Hello! I am

Tomasz Lewandowski

I'm a


About Me

As a JavaScript geek, I love JavaScript and worked a lot with JavaScript based frameworks and libraries. Especially I have got rich experience with JavaScript based SPA such as React, Vue and Angular recently. I have also worked with other languages such as PHP (mostly Laravel), Python (mostly Django) and e-commerce platforms such as Shopify and WooCommerce.

  • Name: Tomasz Lewandowski
  • Date of birth: November 28, 1991
  • Address: Warsaw, Poland
  • Zip code: 00-217
  • Email: tomasz.le122@gmail.com

0 Projects complete

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Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw

Software Engineering, Computer Science, Datastructure and Alrogithm


Dec 2019 - Nov 2020

Full Stack Developer

Brandollo, United States

‣Upgraded a powerful SaaS using VueJS and Vuex, Vuetify framework
‣Developed headless CMS with React.js, Node.js and Strapi
‣Developed Angular 9 + .NET Core platform
‣Updated and added new RESTful apis by using Apollo GraphQL + AWS Lambda function
‣Improved search algorithm and architecture (+30% Big O)
‣Implemented Aherf service for SEO and added JSON-LD for better search user experience.
‣Increased CTR(Clickthrough rate) depends on A/B tests (+24% improved)
‣Integrated payment gateway (stripe api) and localized by using i18n
‣Transformed localStorage-based state management to Vuex-based system - Contributed to the in-browser slide generator and renderer using VueJS

Jul 2018 - Dec 2019

Full Stack Developer

Cheddar Up, United States

‣Improved a FinTech platform in the Frontend side and API implementation in React
‣Developed mobile app from desktop web version with Firebase
‣Added 30+ components to be used in global app by using styled-components
‣Redesigned global state management system with Redux thunk
‣Simplified and improved UX from new design
‣Improved performance by optimizing codes with modern JS and api handling
‣Developed Admin panel with React and Node

Sep 2016 - Jul 2018

Full Stack Developer

ELEKS, Poland

‣Technology leadership for the direction of the Cloud based application using Node.JS, PDFJS, MongoDB and MS SQL Server integrating to a proprietary framework.
‣Worked as a Front End Developer on the project with Javascript, ES6, React, Redux Saga, RESTful services, HTML5/CSS3/SASS/Bootstrap and Gitlab.
‣Used Web Services for creating rate summary and used Rest, WSDL and SOAP messages for getting insurance plans from different module and used XML parsers for data retrieval.
‣Created tables, triggers, stored procedures, SQL queries, joins, integrity constraints and views for multiple databases, using MS SQL Server.

Mar 2013 - Aug 2016

Art & Full Stack Developer

LexisNexis Risk Solutions, United States

‣Expertise in analyzing the Document Object Model (DOM) Layout, DOM Functions, and Java Script functions, Cascading Styles across cross-browser using Fire Bug, Developer Tool Bar.
‣Experience in ReactJs Libraries like redux thunk, redux saga. Experience with modern build tool chains, like JavaScript frameworks/technologies such as Express.js, Angular.js, React.js, MobX or Flux.js.
‣Good Experience in React Js for creating interactive UI's using One-way data flow, Virtual DOM, JSX, React Native concepts





















My Projects

Contributed on Fintech, CMS, CRM, SaaS platforms

Developed CRM Platform

Web Development

Developed Fintech Platform

Web Development

Developed CRM Platform

Web Development

Developed CRM Platform

Web Development

Developed Social Platform

Web Development

Developed SaaS Platform

Web Development

Developed SaaS Platform

Web Development

Developed CRM Platform

Web Development

Developed SaaS Platform

Web Development

Developed SaaS Platform

Web Development
0 Programm Languages
0 Complete Projects
0 Frameworks and Libraries
0 Hours a week Available

I'm Available for freelancing

Updated Status: March 2021

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